
“Leadership holds a collective together, facilitates collective direction and purpose, and sustains collective, coordinated efforts related to survival, protection and resistance and movement toward thriving in a just and sustainable relationship with the land and waters.
For a Community to continue to exist in a recognizable form, to be able to act as a collective, the center must hold. Community Leadership is an essential source of this centering.”

Excerpt from Leading Communities of Resistance by Fred Gibson, PhD

Our Vision

Our Mission

Welcome to Communities that Protect and Resist!

CPR Collectives Are Able to Protect, Resist and Persist Because They Cultivate:


Knowledge, skills, values, and cultural practices allowing them to thrive, in concert with their land, and to resist efforts that threaten their justice, sustainability, and distinctive character and relationships with the land or each other.


Members possess clarity and commitment to their identity and purpose, and conviction regarding their ability to self-sustain and oppose threats to their existence, way of living, and land.



CPR as Resistance Collectives – Communities provide a fundamental unit of opposition, based on shared interests & identity and/or a common landbase. The dominant culture has atomized our collectives/families and blunted joint resistance efforts by invoking the guileful, divisive ideology of neoliberalism. We advocate for a return to Community consciousness, collective struggle & the wielding of power available only to united groups committed to each other.

CPR as Survival Platforms – Neoliberalism lionizes the strong, independent actor who survives on her own wits and strength. Rarely, though, does one survive even in the best of times without the help and support of others.
Communities are a primary mechanism of survival during Collapse and in the times beyond. As critical resources disappear, as corporate-governmental power grows as a threat to both freedoms and protections, as global climate change continues to exacerbate resource wars and social chaos, only those embedded in strong Communities will survive. Redoubts and bomb shelters provide temporary safety and a false sense of hope for the future, and are high visibility targets for desperate survivors.

CPR as Viable Alternatives – Industrial civilization is just one form of society, but it’s killing all life on this planet. As that culture dies, new forms will replace it, that reflect the needs of their members and landbases. CPR-like Communities serve as alternative social forms to help create just and sustainable cultures. We do not dictate the particular characteristics of any new Communities; we exist to facilitate their rise and flourishing. The good news is that healthy alternative societies are numerous, perhaps unlimited in the specific forms they take.

CPR as Resistance Support – Resistance movements are difficult to instigate and even more so to maintain because many, if not most, involved activists later disengage in the face of financial hardship, familial responsibilities, health, or other crises they must devote energy and attention to. CPR Collectives provide a liberating base of support to free front-line activists and resistance warriors for resistance work. In strong Communities, these individuals’ survival and other needs are met by the collective – front-line activists can then pursue warrior and related roles as necessary.

CPR as Sustenance – Activism is stressful, isolating, & fraught with risk & danger. Even steadfast resisters can become drained, despondent, & distrustful of comrades in the confusion & chaos. Communities serve as support groups for activists and warriors experiencing these symptoms and resulting burnout & PTSD among other maladies. CPR collectives recognize the risks to comrades and the danger signs they exhibit; they are quick to provide the social support or rest resisters need to continue the struggle for the survival & independence of the collective.

CPR as Natural Order – Industrial civilization doesn’t only destroy the physical world; it destroys the spirit and soul of the living. Communities, on the other hand, are the natural order of things. What indigenous cultures know is that Communities enrich and heal. The effects of industrial civilization manifest as stress, illness, and addiction, among other sufferings. These infirmities affect all inhabitants of a collective – air, soil, rocks, water, animals, plants and fungi are stressed and weakened. Communities offer the intimacy, camaraderie, nurturance, support and the structures needed to thrive.

Our work is made possible through elbow grease, precious spare time, dedication, your participation and last, but not least, your contributions. Thank you to all of our students and teachers! Your support means the world to us.

PO Box 45
LaGrande, OR 97850
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